Alabama Health Libraries Association
2020 Annual Meeting
November 10, 2020
You are cordially invited to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Alabama Health Libraries Association. This year the meeting will be held online via Zoom.
- 12:00-1:00 pm – Continuing Education Course
A New PubMed: Highlights for Information Professionals
Elizabeth Waltman, MLIS , NNLM SEA Outreach, Education and Communications Coordinator
Tour the advanced features of the new PubMed interface, Detailed Course Description - 1:30-2:30 pm – Invited Speaker Presentation sponsored by Wolters Kluwer / Ovid
A Hidden Pandemic: Dis/Misinformation about COVID Health and Safety
Heather J. Carmack, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Alabama
Dr. Heather J. Carmack is an Associate Professor of Health Communication in the College of Communication and Information Sciences at the University of Alabama. She is also the director of the Standardized Patient Communication Lab, a simulation lab dedicated to training health professionals for the complex communication interactions they will encounter as practitioners. Her research focuses on communication focused on communication surrounding patient safety, specifically focusing on how public communication and organizational policy impacts interpersonal interactions between practitioners and patients. - 3:00 – 4:30 pm – Annual ALHeLA Business Meeting
- 4:30 – 5:30 pm – Social Event: PowerPoint Party!
Would you like to regale your colleagues with your theory about medical specialties as D&D classes? Do you believe you’ve solved the mystery on your favorite true crime podcast? Do you feel the need to publicly rank minor Disney characters? Do you have shower thoughts about the snail illustrations in illuminated manuscripts that should be public? Are you really passionate about mushroom foraging and want us to be, too? Do none of these sound appealing to you, but you are subject to peer pressure and would like to have a good time with your medical library friends? Please create a 3-minute PowerPoint on the (preferably niche) topic of your choosing, then join us to share your screen and your heart, and be prepared to defend your unpopular opinions!
Please register using the form below. There is no cost for this year’s meeting, but members who have yet to pay their dues for the year now have access to the new online payment option. You will receive a link to the Zoom meetings in your confirmation email. Instructions for joining a Zoom meeting are available here.
Registration for this meeting has concluded. Join us next year!
Questions? Comments? Contact Andrea Wright at
Special thank you to the sponsor of our speaker presentation: